
Events Calendar


NEREC Summer Nonproliferation Program


Submit your paper for the 2022 ANS Student Conference. The 2022 ANS Student Conference will be hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign April 14-16, 2022. This conference is intended to ENLIGHTEN attendees about nuclear science and technology, EMRACE nuclear science and technology and EMPOWER attendees with knowledge and enthusiasm for the impact of nuclear technology. If you are interested in presenting your research at the conference, please submit a summary by February 4, 2022. Please click here or see the attached file for more information.

Upcoming: Fall 2023 Events Coming soon
General Body Meetings

GBMs are held on the first Thursday of the month at 5 p.m. Our GBMs are our primary way of keeping you up-to-date with our Section and ANS national. The upcoming GBM’s for this semester are listed below:

Student Development

One of our primary objectives is to connect students to our incredible faculty in a less formal, outside-the-classroom environment. Upcoming events include graduate student and faculty workshops, as well as guest speakers. Unless otherwise noted, events will be at 5 p.m.


One of the best things about ANS is the opportunity to get to know your fellow NE students. In these trying times, spending time interacting with other humans is more important than ever. Please note that for any in-person event, space if limited by UF policy. Our upcoming social events are listed below:

Outreach Oppurtunities

While we love to connect with each other, we also believe it is important for our Section to make a difference in our local community. Please check back for updates.

Coming Soon!

Benton Engineering Council Calendar

To see what other UF engineering societies are up to, click here

Past Events

Slides from the PNNL Nuclear Forensics Seminar: